
Sunday 1 March 2015

The annual Lunar New Year reunion

Well it's time to round up the Lunar New Year holidays once again. A time for feasting and a time for renewing familial ties, or not? I suppose one thing that strikes me as a gaudy affair during each Lunar New Year is the underlying "status review" that happens whenever you pay your respects to your elders whilst visiting.

Pretty sure most of you would have had that experience, of a well meaning Uncle or Aunt who would ask you: "So Ah Boy, what are you doing now? Still working in [ ]?", or "Ah Ger, married already not, time to find boyfriend and set up a family no?" Following which, he or she would dish out life advice such as how you should be buying a property, a car, or some stocks that would be absolutely rocking it up.

The thing is, these little nuggets of advise are generally refined from their past experiences in their process of growing up, where direct action has directly or indirectly resulted in their current state of affairs. Thus, following through with their well meaning pieces of advice might potentially lead to the end result of a similar lifestyle.  Which I guess would be not be a bad thing if you would like to be a middle level manager in your late thirties, with three kids and tied down to a mortgage that services your family condominium. 

But if you have made a conscious decision to be F.I.R.E as soon as possible, then going down the conventional path might not be the most appropriate course of action that would be aligned with your goals. And perhaps the best people to take advice on doing so would be folks within the same community who have arrived at their goals. 

So I did the best thing I could do and replied "thanks for your tips, I'll be sure to take them into consideration.". This whole interaction basically reinforces my desire and dreams to arrive at the grand stage of FU money, which is best illustrated by the following video. 

Ka pish?  


  1. I'm not a big fan of CNY as it means mad rushing from place to place in a single day as nobody wants to be visited on the 2nd day! Like the F.I.R.E and the FU video, makes my day!

  2. Glad it did :) good summary of F.I.R.E actually, easy conceptually but tough to execute
