
Sunday 8 March 2015

The general principles of freedom (Part II) - Why?

One of the greater takeaways from primary school was the knowledge of the 7 key questions - Why What When Who Where How and How Much? Of these, I believe "Why" would be the most important question, especially when you embark on an endeavor of any sort. 

"Why" creates the motivation and provides the cornerstone foundations for the pursuit of any goal or dream. If your reasons for doing so are strong enough, naturally motivation wanes and one would almost always fall short of arriving at the finishing line. Thus before one begins any journey or endeavor, I would recommend examining your reasons behind doing so, lest you put in a hard shift of wasted effort.

My own reasons behind pursuing financial freedom? Simple, I subscribe to the notion of a competent man, where:

"A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects." - Robert Heinlein

Well, not literally word for word, but to summarize there are so many more adventures in life that are available once one unlocks the door to F.I.R.E , instead of following the masses and doing the 9 to 5 till you're 65. Not to say that the route to financial freedom is easy, I actually think otherwise. 

It comes with itself a host of sacrifices, and living life with contrarian values. My underlying theory is, if you had a chance to work hard for 10 years, earn your ticket to being financially free, and then live life on your own terms, embark on your own adventures and call the shots to your life with no scythe hanging over the top of your head (your boss / financial troubles), would you do so? The question I get asked frequently is: What happens if you make it after 10 years but you pass away the very next day? Would it be for naught?

The short answer would be yes, but would you rather not take your chances and lived like the masses? And chances are, your keystone habits would have changed during that time, giving you the satisfaction of achieving something most people wouldn't even have dreamed of, and perhaps even inspiring some others in the process. That my friend, might be just a tad sufficient to warrant such a journey. After all, the rewards are in the journey and not the end in itself.

So, my dear readers, what is your "Why" behind your journey?  

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