
Thursday 19 December 2019

Expenses - November 2019

Total expenses for November 2019 amounted to S$3,968.98.

The largest was under Self Improvement. This is largely attributed to prepaying for a 12 month yoga class membership, which was selling at a good rate. I predict I'll spend more time in Singapore next year, which makes it worthwhile to plonk down some cash to restart my once fledging yoga practice, that is now yellow and withered.

I got back from Europe towards the end of November. So logically that constitutes the next largest expense category for the month. The third being donations, as I prepared to head out to Malaysia for a short meditation retreat in December.

Also spent some money on Diving, having put down a deposit for a diving trip with a diving buddy that's to be used next year.

Anyhow, I came in just below the S$4,000 mark, which is all good, and where I want to be at this point in time.


  1. Would like to know whether you can share details of your meditation retreat? It is worth going?

  2. Hi there, wrote about this in an earlier post. You can take a look at the below and see if it's worthwhile. Hopefully this will be helpful:

    There's a variety of retreats available, and what I have attended ranges from the more secular to the fully religious (buddhism) experience.

    However, they all ultimately point towards the the purification and improvement of oneself, in order to help all sentient beings.
