Tuesday, 17 December 2019

Expenses - October 2019

Total - S$1,500
October 2019 total expenses was S$1,500.

The entire month was spent in Italy, Europe. So a large part of it (S$1,418.97) went to topping up my Youtrip debit card account. The EUR/SGD actually declined a little bit since September, and we managed to get some good rates from Youtrip when spending on our debit card, vis a vis credit cards (but you get certain points or rewards in return eh...).

Some fixed expenses such as Netflix, Insurance and Mobile Phone continue to churn along even though as I'm overseas, but it ain't a problem.

S$1,500 represents 37.5% of my monthly S$4,000 budget, and there's quite a bit of surplus left. The benefit of front-loading certain holiday expenses come through here :)

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