Saturday, 14 December 2019

Expenses - September 2019

Total - S$3,900
Start of brand new post F.I.R.E year.

Month 13 saw the lion's share being contributed by my upcoming Europe trip, as cold hard Euros were exchanged at the money changer, and some SGD was placed in a Youtrip account for use via debit card in Europe.

Eating Out was the next category, and surprisingly Petrol came in third, as I spent some money topping up my family car after some use.

Not quite much to delve into here, and possibly the next couple of months in Europe as expenses will most likely fall into the category of "Europe Trip", which possibly warrants a separate post on how much we spent in Europe over 2+ months.

Anyhow, total spend amount of S$3,900 came in within the budget of S$4,000, with a 2.5% surplus. A decent way to kick off my 2nd year of F.I.R.E.

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